Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Journey with Journee

Thursday mornings are always a little bit hazy, mostly recovering from Wednesday night, more like Monday than even Monday itself.
Last night was colorful, to say the least. Our little mission church has adopted several more apartment complexes over the course of the last week, and we could keep an army busy busing kids back and forth and knocking on doors and loving on people - our little army does as much as we can.
One of these apartment complexes was the last stop on our route last night; I often don't get to ride the bus, but last night it just worked out. My friend Nate was driving, and I was in the seat behind his, trying to keep the crowd under control. Those kids can make me laugh so hard, no matter how hard I'm trying to be mad at them. And, just as we're finally pulling back into the church parking lot in an empty bus, I realize that one little girl had left her house key on the floor. Backtrack we did to one of the new complexes to knock on doors we've never knocked on before to try and track down the owner of the key. The owner we did not find, but we managed to find her friend Journee, who helped us find the girl's father, and all's well that ends well.
We're about to grow. We are. The church as a whole, but the children's ministry especially. And what scares me is how small a team I have here ready to receive them and the gaps that have yet to be filled. And I'm praying: I really am. Praying for workers. Workers who can be tuned in and committed, workers who I can depend on. Jehovah Jireh, right?

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