Saturday, July 21, 2012

Feeling a Little Meta...

And in the mood to examine my reasons for blogging and the future of this blog. I started the blog to have something to do when I was bored. It grew from that to a writing exercise, a place to vent my opinions, and a way for people who want to know about my life but don't live nearby to keep up with me. But here's the thing: I like writing. It's what I want to do with my life. Well, among other things. And I want to write well, and I want to write things people want to read. I want to write a blog people want to read. It's not just about hits and site traffic, though that's a way of gauging it, of course. I just want to write things people like! And you hear these lovely success-stories of travel writers or food writers or fashion writers discovered because of their blogs, and I would like for that to happen to me. In a perfect world.

Now see, I post two sorts of things here: media posts (those kind of review-like things where I consume media and then write/rant about it), and personal posts (where I ramble about weekend plans and keep you updated about things like my emotional response to being in the young adult life group). Of the two, you can guess which gets more hits. If you guessed movie reviews, you were right. Especially because the sorts of movies I watch are the sorts with fandoms and cult followings. But the people who read my blog frequently, let's face it, don't really care what I thought of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  They, mostly, want my take on my life. But how Vacation Bible School went doesn't exactly do great things for widening my readership. Is that my problem? Am I just too broad as far as topics go? But that's frustrating, because my life encompasses all these things! From my personal comings and goings to the movies and books I love (or hate): all of it's me. Now see, if I could do something like this lovely lady (who calls herself doodlemum), and make the everyday occurrences of my life something people are actually interested in, I'd be doing pretty good. Thing is, I don't have the talent. Or at least, I haven't happened upon it yet.
So here's the question: How to I write things that people want to read, while remaining faithful and honest to myself and to the few readers who actually read this blog because they care about me?  What do you think? Any ideas? Suggestions, criticisms, wild complaints, rantings? Feel free to comment!

P.S. Also, thanks, I think, to whoever added a random personal post from two years ago to the stumbleupon library. Kinda weirded out, to be honest, but also appreciative.

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