Monday, April 25, 2011

Doctor Whoooooo.

Yes, folks, if you didn't already know, Saturday night was the season premier. Or, if you're like us, don't have tv, and wait for it to hit iTunes, Sunday was the premier. Either way, it happened. As you may've guessed, I'm a bit of a fan. Okay, a big fan. Okay, I'm kind of obsessed. Lol.
But for right now, I could just about kill the entire crew. From the head writer, to Matt Smith himself, to the smallest errand-runner on the set. Because they killed the Doctor. In the first episode.
It's possible that my dear friend Joy has already said it best, so I just might quote her article on it in it's entirety here.
"No matter how much you know that you know that you KNOW something can't be right or real in Doctor Who, there's always that little seed of fear.

You know the actors have signed contracts for the next three seasons. You KNOW that head writers wouldn't commit career suicide that way. You KNOWKNOWKNOW!!!! that something like that happening doesn't match up with the preview for the season or the interviews that have come out or the pictures that have been leaked from filming.
But that fear will always be there. Because the writers are JUST that crazy. The plot line is absolutely THAT unpredictable. The possibility is ALWAYS there that everything you thought you knew about this show could be turned upside down. So you sit there, and you tell yourself, 'Of course not. Moffat isn't that stupid. He's a later version, killed so that the earlier one can do things right where HE messed up.' You think, 'This isn't for REAL. This is another scare, like the marriage thing. Or the Jenny thing. It's gotta be less than it looks like.'
But you still feel like crying as that timelord body floats out onto a lake in Utah, burning bright in its funeral pyre. A small part of you is just about ready to give up hope on fictional humanity, shrivel up, and die.
D: Swear to me. On something important.
A: fingers and custard.
D: My life in your hands, Amelia Pond.
D: And, Doctor Song, you've got that face again.
R: What face?
D: The one that says 'He's incredibly hot when he's clever.'
R: ...*chuckles* This is my normal face.
D: Yes, it is.
Have I mentioned how much I usually believe Moffat deserves to die for his evil ability to leave off on a cliffhanger?"
So, yeah. Incredibly frustrating. This week, waiting for the next episode, might not be fun, but it's always good to know that another episode is just around the corner.

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