Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Give UP!!!

Yeah, so, it's been almost two months. I give up telling the story of the youth trip from outer space.
So, short version. Dinner. Hung out with Tori, Joy, and Corine. Met everybody else back at the eiffel tower. Rode Dominator one last (crazy, insane. mad, wonderful, terrible) time. Rode home. Amidst much singing of the Journey and the Banana Phone, many discussions about the walruses and the sniffing of sheep tea. Somebody reallllyyyyy needed to go to sleep. Aand it wasn't me.
Since then, wow. That really was a long time ago. Found an abandoned litter of kittens, nursed them back to health. Our three precious babies are doing wonderfully. I'm seriously going back through facebook posts to remember this stuff. Watched Planet 51. Hated it. Discovered that they make bottle warmers for the car. Oh, the things you learn, volunteering at the Crises Pregnancy Center. Went to the beach with my youth group. Well, my girlfriends and Brandon. Got turned into a lobster. Decided, along with Joy, that Matt Smith needs to come ride the golf cart with us. But only if Anne's driving. Did a fair amount of writing, mostly on my new story Troubadours & Turncoats. Also wrote a short story, Jeweltone, which I just may post on here. Played backyard survivor (relay races, archery, gummy-worm eating contest, mud pies, Titanic Ice Contest, and more...) with my family. Go blue team!!! Had the annual summer vacation high-stakes Monopoly tournament with Andrew. He won. Went to the evil dentist's office. Discovered just how much I like the half-way stair (see why here). Went to see the new Karate Kid and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Karate Kid had slightly-less-than-fun side effects, but that's nothing new...
Entirely destroyed my bedroom. Mostly because my dresser keeled over and died. Spent a week living in the wreckage before I (well, Mom made me) get up the courage to clean it. It was an all-day affair. Had a really painful dream involving zombies and line dancing. Not. Fun.
Had a pool, erm, excuse me 'ool (Ood?) party with my youth group. Well, my girlfriends, Brandon, and his little brother. It's possible we scared everybody else away...then all us girls went home with Tabby for a random, no-particular-reason sleepover. She lives in this gorgeous log cabin wayyy out in the middle of nowhere with her grandparents, who insist we all call them Grandma and Papa. It was so much fun. :) We played Imaginiff, talked about nothing, and watched (or, slept through) Rattatoullie.
Started back to regular midweek Bible studies. Which means same-old-same-old youth group routine. Furiously taking notes, trying to be sociable, dealing with stupid people, woohoo. Also means back to after-Bible-study band practice. Which is always a party. Not.
And, I think that's it. Very "Lemme 'splain. No, would take too much time. Lemme sum up." I'll be back on soon. :) Ttfn!
(P.S. Don't you love how Tigger was the father of text-speak?)

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