Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Honesty Part 2

Honesty Part 2 is going to be, essentially, a couple of lists.
Firstly, a list of things that, within the last three days, have reiterated to me the importance of honesty.
*Sunday morning, at Joy's house (omg! I didn't post about her bday party. will do that soon).
Her mom wakes us up by blaring christian music at us. The song is "Unspoken" by Jaci Velasquez. It gets stuck in my head. All. Day. Long. Important lyric: "Don't leave your heart
*Saturday night, the making of a promise to several of my girlfriends to be perfectly honest with them, no matter what.
*More Sunday morning, during the sermon, the line "Hearts are oft broken by words left
unspoken" running through my head over and over and over and over again.
*Yesterday morning, listening to my iPod trying to tune the family out to concentrate on
school. The John Mayer song 'Say' comes on. You probably know it. "Say what you need to
say. Say what you need to say." so on and so forth, about five zillion times.
*This afternoon, reading an email forward from my grandmother, that says things like, "Always tell, what you feel and do what you think.", and "Nobody would remember you if you keep your thoughts secret."
And there have been more, though nothing else comes to mind.
Secondly, while I'm having this soul-bearing moment, I might as well list what's on my mind.
*Life. Get-a-job-get-your-driver's-license-get-a-car-go-to-college-figure-out-what-you're-
doing-with-your-life life. Yeah. Fun. Not.
*Dance. Figuring out where the dance thing is headed at my church, figuring out where
God wants dance to head at my church, figuring out where God wants dance to head with
me and my life, and trying to make sure His will is done.
*My age. I feel trapped, because I'm just a "child" and as such I can only do so much. I have
this fire to make a difference in my generation, and to DO something, to GO somewhere
with my life, and I am absolutely, completely, and utterly S T U C K stuck. But, then, I feel
like the time I have for goofing off, cutting up, and being a kid is almost over, and I want to
make the next two years last ffffffoooooooorrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeevvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrr.
Make any sense to you? Me either.
So, there you have it. My life's problems, in a nutshell. Whoop-dee-doo.
Good night, everybody.

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