Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So, tonight, Mom and Grandma had the most pointless fight ever.
But, to the untrained ear, it wouldn't've sounded like fighting. Over who was going to make the honey mustard.
"Well, you can make it . . . or I can make it."
"Oh, well, I can make it, or you can make it. It's up to you."
"Well, if you've made it before, I wouldn't know your ratios for it"
"It's just honey . . . and mustard. That's it."
"Okay, well . . ."
"I mean . . . just . . . "
And I wanted to turn around (I was washing the dishes, minding my own business) and scream "Look, it's JUST honey mustard!! Somebody please just make the honey mustard!"
It was kind of hysterical. But that's completely needless information.
Today started out as one of "those" days. You know, those days when everything just kind of goes wrong? Well, nothing went wrong per se, but the kids were in rare form. I spent most of the morning hiding behind my iPod, and pointing at my ears and mouthing "I can't hear you" whenever anybody tried to talk to me.
Okay, so get this. Exactly a week ago from today, it was snowing. Today? Near 70 degrees. Why not? Of course! That makes perfect sense. And, logic says that it'll be snowing again by this time next week. Just you wait and see if I'm wrong.
Well, I'm not sure why I started this post. Bored I guess. But I've gotta go now. Mom made dessert pizza, and the smell alone is calling my name. Good night!

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