Saturday, March 27, 2010

So, here I am again. It's Saturday morning. That's another marble from the jar of life.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out
We're watching Lord of the Rings. Just finished a lovely late breakfast of hash browns. Grandma and Pawpaw are out to breakfast. Today we're headed to the church for passing out flyers to the community (invites to our Easter, erm, Resurrection Sunday, service), then potluck fellowship, followed by a prayer service. Long day ahead.
Oh, btw. I didn't go to Joy's last night. It fell through. :(
That's okay though. We still have tonight. She's coming home with us from church. Which is good, because we need to talk about our SCRIPT FRENZY!!
Script Frenzy is the sister-event to NaNoWriMo, wherein participants ('screnzies') write a 100-page screenplay in the month of April. And me and Joy are tag-teaming.
So you should join us! I'll post a link asap. It'll be fun.
Our script is what you would call downright bizarre. As in, makes absolutely no sense AT ALL. But we're really just doing it for fun.
So, you guys have a super-awesome Saturday. I'll be back on soon! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010


.....hi. It's me. Been a while, I know. Sorry.
Life has just been a little wild these days. So, I know I told you about the Easter dance, right?
Oh gosh, I didn't? Holy cow.
Okay, so three weeks before Easter, the Pastor and the worship leader decided they wanted a dance for Easter.
Yeah. Drama. I don't feel like relating it all. It fell apart, and got put back together, blah blah blah. Long story short, it was a God-thing. DEFINITELY a God-thing. It was a really biiggg deal. God is having fun teaching me patience. And I'm learning. Slowly. Painfully.
So, I was gonna go over to Joy's tonight, but it fell through, so I'm a little lost. I'm on the couch again tonight, as Grandma has a friend over. It's okay, though. No biggie. I adore her friends. :)
And I could go into what's going on for the rest of the weekend, but I don't feel like it.
Well, I've gotta go. ttfn!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So, tonight, Mom and Grandma had the most pointless fight ever.
But, to the untrained ear, it wouldn't've sounded like fighting. Over who was going to make the honey mustard.
"Well, you can make it . . . or I can make it."
"Oh, well, I can make it, or you can make it. It's up to you."
"Well, if you've made it before, I wouldn't know your ratios for it"
"It's just honey . . . and mustard. That's it."
"Okay, well . . ."
"I mean . . . just . . . "
And I wanted to turn around (I was washing the dishes, minding my own business) and scream "Look, it's JUST honey mustard!! Somebody please just make the honey mustard!"
It was kind of hysterical. But that's completely needless information.
Today started out as one of "those" days. You know, those days when everything just kind of goes wrong? Well, nothing went wrong per se, but the kids were in rare form. I spent most of the morning hiding behind my iPod, and pointing at my ears and mouthing "I can't hear you" whenever anybody tried to talk to me.
Okay, so get this. Exactly a week ago from today, it was snowing. Today? Near 70 degrees. Why not? Of course! That makes perfect sense. And, logic says that it'll be snowing again by this time next week. Just you wait and see if I'm wrong.
Well, I'm not sure why I started this post. Bored I guess. But I've gotta go now. Mom made dessert pizza, and the smell alone is calling my name. Good night!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picking Up Where I Left Off (And A Possible Taylor Swift Rant)

Okay, so, that would be, Thursday? Thursday was fairly ordinary. The only day last week me and Joy weren't together all day. Mom and I went to walmart to do grocery shopping for Friday.
Friday was psycho from beginning to end. The whole day was about getting ready for the party. Joy got here around two. We just barely managed to get ready before the rest of the guests showed up. Now see, here would be where I gave you a rundown of who was who and what the plotline was, but that would take up extra energy, and thought, and Joy already did it, so why would I when I can just copy hers?
"Ella: Captain Nancy Martin, of the Fury (luietenant to murdered Captain Flint)
Joy: Alice Tremain, Nancy's first mate
Stephen: Captain Black Jack McKraken, captain of the Scurvy Knave (also luietenant to Captain Flint)
Stephen's dad: Sawbones McGraw, Black Jack's ship's surgeon (murderer)
Corrine: Tom, Black Jack's cabin boy (secretly Meg , runaway daughter of Sir Percival)
Brandon: Sir Percival, hostage aboard the Fury at beginning
Isabel: Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Percival...also a hostage of the Fury (secretly requested that Nancy kidnap her and her father so she could avoid marrying the Don)
Andrew: Captain Hal Overy--pronounced ah-vry--of the HMS...something-or-other. My character hated him, so I decided not to remember. An English Navy officer
Dad: Don Inigo, Spanish...noble, engaged to Elizabeth. Also El Cuervo, masked 'do-gooder' suspected of murdering Flint
Bryan: Hayapitl, native chieftan...wanted to marry his daughter off to someone who would take her off the island.
Brandice: Tokeleth, Will's daughter
Josh: Bill Pistol, marooned pirate and my character's closest friend. Completely mad, but sort of knew where the treasure was."
It was the most incredibly fun night ever, and all of my friends were so fabulous. Everybody came in costume, and got in character, and it was great. And, true though it may be that Stupid Old Jack got the treasure, I pulled the coolest doublecross of the century, plus we got Tom. Aaaaannnddd, I get to treasure the memory of him running away from my little brother.
Upon me asking Jack why he was scared of the little brother, he replied "Because . . . aren't you??"
So yeah. It was funny.
Then Isabel and Corrine stayed over, which by all logic and reason should've killed me. I mean, they're some of the coolest friends ever, but the secrets they dragged out of me. Put it this way: just because I'm not dead now doesn't mean I won't be by week's end.
Went to bed at five, got up at nine, ate pancakes, went to (and tried to get kicked out of) walmart, dashed home, went to church (with a sidestop at the barn), practiced for almost as many hours as we'd had sleep that night, ate dinner (where my beloved youth pastor's laugh was almost more than my poor thin patience could handle, much to my little brother's amusement), practiced the dance some more, stopped at the gas station on the way home to get peppermints to try and stave off the incoming sore throat, came home, died. Almost literally.
Got up at seven on Sunday, having had eight hours of sleep that did me absolutely no good, went to church depending on the Lord and the trustworthy influx of adrenaline to get me through, helped out in Riley's Sunday school class, went home long enough to eat lunch, get a power nap, and be just aware enough of myself to feel slightly guilty for not helping mom with the kitchen, went back to church. Sat (or stood) through a memorial service for a teenager who died in a car accident a few weeks back. No, I didn't know her, but it was emotional enough just being around all those mourning people.
Hid in the preschool room having dangerous, hysterical conversations with Isabel and Tori. Waited for Corrine and Stephen to show. Smacked Tori for saying something dangerous to Stephen immediately upon his arrival, proceeded to talk dangerously and giggle like little girls, pelted Stephen with paper cups, ate GRAPES, discussed grape flavored snowcones, the fact that ice is CRUNCHY, and laughed at how twisted it was that there was a toothpick through the GRAPE Corrine was eating, and then how twisted it was that she was eating GRAPE!! lol
Apologized to Stephen for making him uncomfortable, whereupon he replied "It's okay, I know it has something to do with me in some way, shape, or form." To which I replied with a laugh and a vague implication that it had to do with the entire male race, but inside was thinking "Yup, dead by week's end. Just you wait."
Delighted in the fact that there is now a MIRROR IN THE GIRL'S BATHROOM!!! So that I could fix my makeup. Headed to band practice, then had the worship service. Which included the dance. Which went great. I couldn't have been prouder of my little sister or Joy's. They were awesome. Aaaannnddd, somebody got our symbolism!!! Me and Joy wore gray, Anne and Joy's sis wore blue. Do yooouuuu get it?
And now, I'm pretty much out of time. So the Taylor Swift rant either gets put off, or ignored altogether.