Yesterday was the longest day of my life, or something very, very close to it. My day began at, horror of horrors, 6:30 AM. My brother stuck his head in my room to inform me that it was time to get up, Mom and Dad want the living room cleaned up before the boys get here. Ehhh, I'm getting ahead of myself. Mom offered to keep our Pastor's three boys while their mom drove Pastor Jon, two men, and a youth guy to the airport. Yesterday was the first day of the annual missions trip to Peru. Aaaaanyway, I was woken up at 6:30 in the morning to clean up my mess in the living room, which consisted of two pieces of paper, a pair of shoes, and a coffee cup. Yeah, that was a big enough deal to wake me up for. Aww, I'm just kidding. I'm really not as much of a grump as I sound. After breakfast, Mom drove me down the street to Grandma's to do some general cleaning (i.e. dusting, sweeping, etc.) in preparation for a get-together of hers this weekend. Around 11:30, Mom came and got me and brought me home, where I had twenty minutes to switch gears from cleaning to errand-running. Our first errand was a trip to a nearby church whose VBS program was similar to ours. They are very kindly lending us many of their decorations. Many of their decorations. About two truckloads full. Thankfully another lady from our church (Actually, she was the one who asked this church if they'd lend us the stuff. Our hero!) was there with her truck to help. There was an entire forest in my fifteen-passenger van, complete with a fox, two deer, a bear, a fox and a skunk. Mom couldn't even see out the back window. Ha, and we'd planned on going grocery shopping next. Well, that was out of the question. We had to make the 40-minute trip from down-town to our church way out in the boondocks. After we've been on the road for about fifteen minutes, Mom glances at the clock and realizes that we don't have time to make it all the way to the church and get back in town to get to the bank before it closed for the day, so we double back and stop at the bank. By now it's like, 2:00, and both of us are starving, so we grabbed lunch at Chick-fil-a. We then drive out to the church and unload. Remember, yesterday the temp was about 93, so by the time we're done there, both of us are dripping in sweat. We couldn't shop like that. So we stop at home, freshen up, and drive all the way back into town. We then spent about, eh, four hours in WalMart, two of which I spent looking for a birthday present for Haley, whose birthday party is tomorrow. We finally check out, which took about ten minutes in and of itself, and are on our way our of the store when I remember that I'm not the only one with a birthday party to go to this weekend. Andrew, Anne, and Riley also are attending a birthday party tomorrow. So we stick our two carts, full of about 400 dollars worth of groceries (Hey, it's a big family and we were shopping for a whole month!) at customer service and trek back into the store to get a birthday present for the little kid.
By the time we get home it's eight o'clock at night and I'm exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. Blah.
Thankfully, today has been much more restful. A totally chill Saturday, without even chores to ruin it. I spent much of the day reading Jane Austen's Emma.
Well, my friends, I must bid you adieu. I need to help with dinner, and then decide what on earth I'm wearing tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening!
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