Once upon a time, I was a VERY active member of a church. For the first four-and-a-half of those six years, we had a great pastor. Then that pastor, call him Pastor Billy-Bob, said God had call him to move to another state to start a new mission for hurting pastors. Our church went through the whole process of finding a new pastor. We'll call him Pastor Bob-Billy. Pastor Bob-Billy moved in to the parsonage and started ministry. For a couple of months, things went great. Pastor Bob-Billy's wife Sara (name changed) starts helping out with the youth group. Then things go down hill, fast. Pastor Bob-Billy turned out to be a total jerk and a church-killer. Of course we had to be the first to find out. After much prayer and many tears, we realized that God was calling our family to leave the church. My parents went to another area pastor for counseling. I don't mind naming him, because I have only positive things to say about him. Pastor Jon rocks!!!!!
Turns out his church needed help in worship and children's ministries. But that's not important now. Pastor Jon gave my parents great advice, and once we finally made the painful break from
our old church, his was the first church we visited. Needless to say, things worked. Besides the fact that we are now getting solid doctrine and a positive experience with our pastor, the church is so wonderful. The people are so real, and the youth group is totally on-fire, sold out for Christ. I went from being a shunned outsider, to a key component and true friend. I'm somewhere where my gifts, talents, and personality are truly appreciated. And no church drama!!!! Church drama is worse than school drama, because we're supposed to be the ones that are 'in this world but not of it'. My old youth group had so many drama queens. Boyfriends, break-ups, ugh. These things do not belong in church!!!!!
All that being said, no church is perfect. I've found some personality clashes and issues like that, but you run into these things everywhere. I couldn't have asked for a better thing. The few old friends I've kept are always gonna be my friends, and now I have new ones who really care about me. Isn't God good?
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